"Yes, thank God, we don't get the big picture all at once."
I posted that back in October of 2001 on Yahell. Perhaps you are wondering what I was talking about.
My spiritual Journey would sometimes take a great leap forward where I learned much knowledge and gained so much insight into what was going on at the time or something to that effect. I loved it when that happened. Sometimes I referred toi this as getting slapped upside the head by God.
Sometimes though it wasn't a happy time when this happened, the Loss of both of my parents for instance. The death of my father after years of suffering with cancer, years later, my mother passing away within 48 hours of going into the hospital with a blood clot. I learned a boat load form each of these events.
Also with the message board at Yahoo, I sometimes would learn a great deal with a conversation I was involved in or witnessing conversations others were engaged in. At times, it was awe inspiring. Great huge amounts of spiritual wisdom was gathered and spread about through the message board and then without warning Yahell would come through and with out warning delete this great collection of spiritual wealth and understanding.
But through all this, knowledge gathered, As a snowball rolling down hill in the snow, gaining size and strength. Slowly putting the pieces together and filling in some of the blanks. Even when I didn't realize that there were blanks or pieces needed to fill the puzzle.
Then other times, waiting and wondering if I was ever going to advance at all. Used to drive me nuts at times. Then when I had almost given up, quit trying so hard to advance spiritually, again the doors would open up, so to speak and I was allowed to advance just a tad bit further. So in that I learned ever so slowly that to advance sometimes, one needs to not try to advance. That and I learned about if its meant to be.
But that is another post.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The big Picture
Posted by
9:06 AM
Labels: death, Gaining knowledge, listen, spiritual, spiritual advancement, the big picture
Monday, November 19, 2007
Meeting up ...
"I am not sure if you have come to the realization yet
that everything and everyone put before you is put there
for a definite reason. There is a reason I posted what I
posted and there is a reason why you were fortunate or
unfortunate (the Ying and Yang) enough to have stumbled
on to it.
Think of the vastness of the Internet. There is God only
knows how many different sites and places for you to wander
through in your journey. We each, in our own separate ways,
have found this particular spot. I am so thankful for this
blog, words cannot describe. I am also very thankful that
the powers that be have allowed for the postings to continue.
Why wasn't this blog here, say five years ago? Because it
wasn't time for us to meet yet. It is all related and tied
in together. Pretty amazing, huh?"
This is basically what I posted some seven years ago on the Yahell message boards. If you are reading this today, and you are getting something from this, perhaps a connection has been made here that you ought to listen to and follow up on. I personally get goosebumps in going over some of this "old" stuff and rehashing it here. It is good exercise for me and I am glad you are here to possibly venture forth and learn as well.
Take care and may Gods love wash over you in ever so gentle waves.
Posted by
6:57 AM
Labels: connection, Gods love, listen, meeting up, spiritual
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Cactus Jack ...
"Cactus Jack
by: avatarmundi (48/M/U.S.A.)
07/14/03 10:57 am
Msg: 1241 of 1243
The state of the human collective consciousness manifests itself
everyday in our world as our wars, diseases, personal and
collective tragedies, noble aspirations and achievements,
simple kindnesses, play, work and efforts towards peace.
For a while CJ stood with us shoulder to shoulder and did more
than his share of heavy lifting in the 'great work' of which we are
all a part. His work, his influence transcends the existence of
his messages on these boards. The environment for the
human spirit has been improved by his contributions... he helped
pave the way(in consciousness) for others to find more freedom
from the tyranny of fear.
That Freedom is his legacy.
Each of us will eventually walk that path and leave any undone
work to younger, stronger and hopefully wiser hands."Image from Photoflavor
I didn't get to know Cactus Jack nearly as well as I would have liked. I didn't agree with every thing he said or posted. But, he was a very caring, highly intelligent human being which made a great impact on me and countless others within the short time I knew him. I haven't thought about him in a while and thought this might work as an introduction to allow you to get a feel for this kind gentle individual who is still sorely missed.
He was a brother to me.
Posted by
3:52 AM
Labels: Cactus Jack, death, life, spiritual
Another poem from Word wrangler ...
In rememberance of a grand man
by: wordwrangler_99 (33/M/Crooked River Ranch, Oreg) 10/29/01 12:10 am
Msg: 11 of 171
It was about this time 3 yrs. ago my grandfather passed away, I wrote this as a way of then dealing with the loss. I re-post it now as he has been on my mind of late.
For Grandpa
Why he had to suffer so
I?ll never understand
In all my days upon the earth
I?ve met no greater man
He gave freely of himself
Yet asked for no return
Held firmly to his beliefs
Never did he spurn
He lavished love onto his kids
And even more than that
Was never too pre-occupied
To sit and have a chat
He was a doting husband
To his loving wife
And all the folks in his small town
Knew him upon sight
He had that special twinkle
That sparkled in his eye
Please dear Lord, tell me
Why grandpa had to die
His body first betrayed him
His legs just wouldn?t work
An active man his whole life
Yet now he had to shirk
Lou Gherig?s they called it
But hell is what it was
A long and slow decaying
As faculties turned to fuzz
I watched this man of vigor
As his body did unwind
Struggle for his dignity
For it doesn?t affect the mind
He watched and smiled bravely
As his body fell apart
But no power on God?s green earth
Could take my grandpa?s heart
Soon he couldn?t lift his arms
Then he couldn?t lift his head
We had to roll him on his side
And take him out of bed
But even near the end
When he could no longer eat
The spark remained in his eyes
He?d not admit defeat
Then that final fateful day
His lungs refused to breathe
And the greatest man I ever knew
Went to heaven I believe
Posted by
3:43 AM
Labels: death, heaven, life, Poetry, spiritual, Word Wrangler
Friday, November 16, 2007
Back again ...
I guess it's meant to be ...
I have come across an archive I set up of the Yahell Spirituality message board that is still possibly floundering in some form. I haven't been there in a long time.
One poet that visited us from time to time on the message boards was a guy by the name of Word wrangler. He was and hopefully still is amazing in his poetry. This is one of his poems and I give him full credit and props and what ever else he needs in me reposting his work without permission.
Oh, how you must love me
For I have forsaken you so often
Yet never have you abandoned me
I know not who you are
Only what you are
You are purity and hope
Despite my best efforts
You have saved me from myself
Set me on a new road
A new journey
You gave me sight when I was blind
Shed light upon my darkness
Granted me knowledge in my ignorance
Drowned my bitterness in love
My hope now springs eternal
My eyes are wet with awe
Each day brings forth a new miracle
Each night a new gratitude
I have found that which you gave me
I’ve discovered peace
And in so discovering
Revealed my soul.
You have a blessed day.
Posted by
11:55 AM
Labels: Poetry, spiritual, Word Wrangler
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
OK, so it isn't going as planned
That is cool. Avatar is busy. I have been busy. Life takes control and gaining Internet access is brought to a stand still by the powers that be.
And what has changed here? Not a damn thing.
You know, if I ran a porn site here, I could land so many visitors it just wouldn't be funny. If I showed how to hack into someone's computer and steal valuable data and not get caught, again, thousands would flock here. But instead I offer up spirtual strength and wisdom, Gods straight out word and what happens?
Not a damn thing.
The powers that be have a firm hold. They don't want to lose their grip. I understand. It took them counless years to gain this power and fought many hard battles. I now understand all this just a little bit better everyday.
And one of the most important posts I have done will get buried here amongst all the other thousands of posts thrown up daily, shoot, probably hourly.
And so it goes.
But I'm not gonna quit.
or leave.
One way or another I shall keep falling forward.
and fighting the good fight.
IT is my Nature and will remian so till the day I die.
Posted by
3:49 AM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Some of What we face ...
Prayer Against The New Age Movement
I include this link just to show you some of the thinking that goes on in established religions and why it is such an uphill climb at times to reach those that really need help. If asked, these folks would claim forever and a day that they are right and we are wrong, that we would be working against their religion and do not listen to us.
The truth is ... just that, the truth. In Gods realm, there is no right or wrong way to honor him / her. It is just making that vital connection, in listening to that small voice, in listening to what your heart tells you. You don't need a religion to instruct you in how to reach God.
Religions, such as the one pointed at in the link above, I believe, use Fear as their over riding control mechanisim. They talk of mind control. Well, in my book, that is exactly what they use to control their flocks of followers.
There is no way I would tell you not to follow their religion. There is no way that I would tell you that they are wrong and not to listen to them. Yet, they have no problem in calling the New age movemnet all wrong and to not follow it. I don't claim to be a part of any New age movement, but some of what they want you to stay away from is definetly discussed here openly and freely.
Oh my God. I say again let your heart and your soul and spirit decide what is wrong or right. What alllows you to be free to seek out the truth from your Higher Power? Don't be fooled. As Av, said is it right to be in a crowd of followers as they fall off a cliff.
Posted by
5:54 PM
Saturday, May 5, 2007
What ?
Am I perfect?
Hardly, far from it. You would not believe how far from perfect I am. Just ask my kids. They know fully well my flaws and imperfections.
Am I blessed ?
Oh my god, I am sooo blessed. The saying my cup runneth over fits so well here.
Am I faithful ?
Beyond a shadow of a doubt. I long ago turned My life over to God and he/she has guided me in ways that I would have NEVER expected. My life has truly been an unbelievable experience. Looking back on it, I probably have lived about 5 or 6 lives, all in this life time. I don't want to sound like a braggart, or be preachy. For that is not what this is about. I just want to tell the truth and some how open up people to their God given right to feel what I feel, the love and joy and wonder Gods love can bring to you. All for the asking.
Why did I start this Blog?
Because I could I guess. I have done a fair amount of searching on the Internet for places such as this and they are pretty Rare indeed. It isn't easy advancing on one's spiritual Journey at times. At times it can be down right frustrating. But it is all for a reason. And if you have heard that before then you are probably tired of hearing it, but if you haven't, believe it. Use this place, please. Ask questions. There are no stupid questions. If I can't answer you, then Av may very well have the answer, and if we don't, then we seek else where ...
What makes me such a spiritual leader, trainer, teacher, educator, what ever?
I have never claimed to be nor will I ever claim to be any of those titles. I have gifts and abilities that have been given to me by my higher power which I call God. That's it. One of these abilities is the fact that I remember what the struggle was like, what it is like to face an absolute mountain in your next hurdle on your spiritual journey, to have to some how over come what ever adversity is in your way, stopping you from preceding. I feel I communicate well in the English Language. I know I communicate well with my God. There fore, I post. and thus this Blog.
May Gods love wash over you in ever so gentle waves.
Posted by
7:41 AM
Let the water flow ...
""We are not weak, sinful, shameful human creatures who have to somehow earn the right to become Spiritual.We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience."
"I had to start trying to find a concept of a Higher Power who could Love me even though I was an imperfect human. If my Creator is judging me then who am I not to judge myself? On the other hand if the Goddess Loves me unconditionally then who am I not to Love myself? And if the God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Universal Force Truly Loves me then everything has to be happening for reasons that are ultimately Loving."
A quote from Mystical Metaphysical Spirituality - a Loving belief system
Ok, obviously I believe the same thing in the opening statement. When I first heard that saying, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, I thought, yeah right, what a bunch of Hooey. That was many many miles ago in my spiritual journey. We are ALL, every last human being on the face of the Earth, Spiritual, loving creatures who are having a human experience. It is our God given right to be able to experience all the love and Joy that God or your higher power has to offer you.
If you haven't started on your spiritual Journey, Why Not?
I would really like to know what you have to lose. Of course if Satan is your thing and worshiping the dark side gives you a kick, then so be it. Its really really your loss, big time. I personally do everything I can to make your type non existent. Not that I go around killing human beings that are evil, just the forces within that may control them. I know, pretty crazy talk.
But you are going to have to understand something about me - I don't LIE. I have a much higher power to answer to and I have to face Him/ her and deal with the results of my behavior.
For those that are shown a great deal, much is expected of them.
And I have been shown oh so much.
Posted by
7:18 AM
Friday, May 4, 2007
And the water
she seems to be a tricklin' ...
Ok, so this is starting off kinda slow. I have been busy with life and Av, uhm, I don't know what is happening there. I know I should be posting something profound here, but I am just getting off of work and my profundity is a bit dry right now.
So, lets just say stay cool, brush your teeth, put on clean underwear and Don't drive crazy. Pay your taxes and try not to shoot any one.
Allright, so if we rehash the last three posts we have a naked king running around and me totally lacking in profundity and what could be false advertising. If you people would ask a question or two (I know your out there) it would help things along right about now.
This is going great.
Ain't too spiritual.
But you can't knock a home run every time.
Beamer Cleaver
Posted by
7:59 PM
Thursday, May 3, 2007
So, the dam has finally broken ...
and this is going to devolop in all new ways?
I am most curious to see what transpires now that we are finally able to post side by side so to speak, or actually top to bottom.
Its not like we haven't done this sort of thing before, like for years. Just we had others chiming in and the posting was a lot more immediate.
Av, I am hoping though that you find the dressing room. Its behind the door to the right. At least throw on a robe, please.
I was most curious about this line: "Otherwise, I'm gone...unless it seems I'm needed for some job..."
You are gone, uhm, where? And the job might be?
Posted by
4:16 PM
Labels: a New Day
This is a test...
...testing...testing...the emperor has no clothes...
heresy for the loyal followers...the orthodoxy...the true believers...the party faithful...
many are called, but few are chosen...or is it that few choose to leave the pack and dare to follow the inner guide...
...is there safety in numbers...as one tumbles over a cliff with the rest of the herd?
just a little rambling...
Posted by
8:00 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
4 / 23 / 07
Ok, so I am thinking that someone wants it made a little clearer just who asks the questions around here.
Beamer: 1.) What is your view on reincarnation?
Avatar: It seems to happen whether one remembers or not or believes in it or not.
Beamer: I also believe in reincarnation.
Beamer: 2.) Do you think you have lived a previous life?
Avatar: I don't think it...I know it. In fact everybody alive is a product of these past lives.
Beamer: I too know I have lived numerous past lives.
Beamer: 3.) Do you condsider yourself an "old soul"?
Avatar: I've heard the expression before...and it really, from my perspective, doesn't mean anything. We all spring from eternity. Some of us walk this plane
and this planet for a few lifetimes and move on, some of us stay on for tens of thousands of years.
Beamer: I consider my self a very old soul.
Beamer: 4.) Why don't you follow the saying "Those that don't know, ask and those that know, don't tell" or something along those lines?
Avatar: Is this some cosmic law? or just a saying? 1. You may have noticed...that I, generally, don't ask questions. 2. I don't tell...unless asked in some
way. (...ask and it shall given unto you, seek and ye shall find...Luke 11:9)
Beamer: So many times in my spiritual journey coming up I kept hearing this saying about those that don't know, ask and those that do know don't tell and it drove me crazy. It's like trying to get a job where you must have experience to get the job. You ask how to get experience at the job and they tell you that you have to get hired on somewhere, but in that field they won't hire you without the experience. Its a vicious circle. So I decided that if I ever got to the point where I had some knowledge to pass on, I sure the heck was going to do so and suffer the consequences. I don't think I have suffered any yet. And Av, if I didn't ask you questions this would be a one man blog and I don't want that.
Beamer: 5.) Do you believe in Chakra areas of the Human body?
Avatar: Yup.
Beamer: I hope to have time to delve into this area further some time. I have only just touched on this area of knowledge.
Beamer: 6.) I have found that certain stones and gems have a certain strength or vibration that I can relate to or feel. Why is this?
Avatar: The world is alive and humming with energy and intelligence. Humans, up to a certain level of spiritual development can only perceive the external form of things. As one travels the 'Path' one's sensitivity increases.
Beamer: This again is something I hope to have the time to delve into further. I have had some tremndous responses from the holding and touching of certain gems and stones and it just amazes me.
Beamer: 7.) You said that Astral travel is akin to dreaming. Can you enlighten me more on this?
Avatar: Much of our dreams are really just poorly remembered Astral traveling. Every night our astral bodies leave the physical. It's as natural as breathing, the difficulty is bringing back the memories and integrating them into our waking consciousness. For most of us it just results in a confused hack job that gets dismissed as a dream.
Beamer: 8.) Do you drink alcohol at all?
Avatar: No.
Beamer: I drink very little alcohol.
Beamer: 9.) Do you think there is any reason why alcohol is called "spirits"?
Avatar: I suspect it began with the cult of Dionysius/Bacchus. Folks got typsy on their wine or beer, and got to step out of their mundane lives while partying on the 'blood of the god'. Remnants of that survive in the Christian communion where they consume the body and blood (bread and wine) of the sacrificed god-man Jesus.
Beamer: I have found that alcohol has a very negative result on my being able to communicate spirtually.
Beamer: 10.) With your astral travels, do you usually remain on this earthly plane?
Avatar: I remain on this earthly plane when I'm in my body. Otherwise, I'm gone...unless it seems I'm needed for some job...
If you feel an answer isn't enough ... ask.
Posted by
9:38 AM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
4 / 15 / 07
Av: It helps me accept and understand the short comings of others. Financially... not so much. I've been leery of whoring out my Spirituality for fame and fortune.
2.) Have you ever done any astral travel in your Spirtual Journey?
Av: Yup. I went to a kind of school there for a few years. Nowadays, I sometimes find myself standing in as a spiritual guide for folks during my so-called sleeptime.
Beamer: This is one area where I have stayed away from on purpose. I know that there have been times when I could have, but have sted fast refused to go there. I have this fear that when it came time to return to my body, it will have been taken over by another entity or spirit. I know it sounds crazy, but that is just the way I am about that. It sounds really neato, though.
2.) Do you have another term for spiritual Journey which you are more comfortable with?
Av: What are my choices?
Beamer: lol I don't know. It just sounded like, uhm, Never mind ...
3.) Are there many people in the real world that know of your spiritual journey, (co workers and such)?
Av: My rule is never to talk to anyone about such things unless they show signs of being ready and receptive.
Beamer: That was one reason why I found the Spiritual Board and now this such an important outlet. My spirtual travel was very singular for most of my life. Finding those in the real world I can communicate with about what has transpired in my spritual realm (Hey, that sounds like a one heck of a good title for a Blog) have been very few and far between.
4.) Do you find it easy to approach people in the real world about your spirtual Journey?"
Av: I approach no-one...ever. I say nothing unless someone comes to me and shows some sign of readiness...and even then I say little.
Beamer: Most of my attempts at approaching those in the real world about my spiritual journey have been uhm, not very good. I consider it their loss.
5.) With the real world people that you do know, do they ever come to you for advice on spirtual matters?
Av: Mostly only my wife, and even then I encourage her to find her own spiritual connection.
Beamer: My wife will only come to me when matters just get so crazy as to involve her in my spiritual matters. Luckily, I guess, that has been very rarely.
6.) Have you ever helped anyopne with a spirtual problem in the real world or on the Internet besides me?"
Av: If I have, it usually doesn't concern me much. I say or do what I feel needs to be said to whom ever is ready to listen.
Beamer: I guess here you and I differ quite a bit. I seek out those needing help on occasion and I am usually fortunate in being able to offer some kind of assistance, if not finding what I hope to be a total cure. There haven't been many on the Internet, and just a hand full in the real world, but I would like to think I made a difference. I think that is also another reason why I was put on this earthly plane.
Posted by
5:35 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
4 / 12 / 7 ...
1.) What do think about Silvia Brown?
Av: I've never met her and have no opinion about her specificly. Having psychic abilities is not evidence of spirituality. Spirituality is one's relationship with God/dess...being a psychic just demonstrates our mostly untapped natural capacities with in the material world.
2.) Do you miss the struggling times in your spiritrual Journey when things were not going so smooth for you?
Av: No.
Beamer: I definetly agree there. I really was not fond of the time and sweat and concentration I used getting this far. It is very nice to look back and see the view of what I have covered.
3.) What words of Advice can you throw out there for Newbies to their spiritual Journey?
Av: Truth is simple,Truth is free... lies often come with a hefty fee.
Beware anyone who presumes to speak for God...when you are ready, you will hear God speaking for yourself. Until then, there are many friends and helpers along the way.
Beamer: I would say be very careful of what you ask for. For you just may receive it and it may not be anything like what you asked for. Also, at times it seems like trying very hard to proceed forward actually hinders forward progress. In some ways you almost have to remain very calm and centered about the whole deal for the pieces to fall into place for you. Good luck and remain focused. Also, don't let the music die in you.
4.) You say that you can see light coming from gems or crystals. Can you enlighten me more on this gift, please?"
Av: Do a search on the word "siddhi". That may give you more info than I have time for right now.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Dear Reader ...
It is sort of like a class I took in Electronic technology, where the teacher would get up to speed in his conversation in front of the class and be covering great territory with his teaching. He assumed that you were keeping up with him unless someone slowed him down by asking a question. That would usually be me, alone in the class of 30 or so, raising my hand, speaking up, asking anything I could to get him to slow down and let some of that knowledge soak in.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, please. If you want to just read what is presented, fine. I don't care. But just be prepared to not fully understand what is being posted and miss out on the opppourtunity to learn soo much more from what is being presented here.
This is turning out to be just like I had hoped it would, this blog. Now, If I can just keep it going ...
Beam_er: What if the question I wanted to ask is really stupid?
B-eamer: I don't think there are any stupid questions.
Beam_er: But if someone wanted to ask a really stupid questions would you answer it?
B-eamer: Yes
Beamer: Even if it seemed like such a lamo question that he wouldn't even ask his mother?
B-eamer: If I could help someone out by answering the question and I knew the answer then yes. There may be others out there with the same question that don't even know enough to ask the question. I know when I first started on my spiritual journey, all I had were questions. I had a heck of as time finding answers. I wish I could have found something like this way back then. It would have made my life sooo much easier.
Posted by
10:19 AM
4 / 10 / 7 continued ...
5.) Are there spiritual clues that you look for in nature?
Av: No.
Beamer: I used to use the moon for clues, up until Satan was faced down by me. Now, that is no longer an issue. I guess the only other clues I use is when the number 3 comes up in the date or a divisor of 3 arrives in the date. I can usually expect a greater chance of something great spirtually happening on those days, although other days can provide some interesting thingies as well. I just keep an eye out at all times and pay attention.
You will probably get tired of me using that term: Pay attention. Personally, I can't do enough of it. I am always amazed by those folks which go through life with Blinders on. They just lose out on sooo much life has to offer.
This is starting to remind me of many of my postings on the Yahoo spirtual board where I would talk and talk and talk and Av would come on and say 2 sentences and be succint and great knowledge would flow forth. Of course, there were those other times when he was slinging total bull, but I shant go there ...
6.) Can you explain again how Gems and stones came to play a big part in your spiritual Journey?
Av: Gems and stones have never played a 'big' part in my spiritual journey. The 'Spiritual Journey', if one can call it that, has nothing to do with rocks and gems. The 'spiritual journey' is all about our journey with God, to God...and finally...as God.
Beamer: I have been rather amazed at the connection I have devoloped with some crystals and gems in the past. With my removal of the Talisman, (that double edged sword) I also tossed many of my crystals and gems, for they also had a connection with "her". I was so glad to finally lose that connection and will always be so greatful for the large part you played in her removal from my life.
7.) Do you have a favorite way to cleanse spirtually gems or stones?
Av: I cleanse stones by holding them in my hands and seeing the Light flowing through them.
Beamer: I used ocean water. I tried burying them in the earth, but it didn't seem to work as well as the Salt water from the ocean.
8.) You mentioned a higher being. Can you describe him / her in a little more detail please?
Av: God/Holy Spirit/I AM. It's the only power I recognize.
Beamer: I perfer to call my higher power God as well. I get the definite feeling of masculinity when connecting to God, But will never forget the strong arguments brought forth about the femine side of the equation as well.
9.) Is there any Sprtitual weakness that you know of which you would like to stregthen?
Av: Spiritual weakness is a contradiction. Spirit isall power. Weakness comes from the mistaken notion that we/I am somehow separated from Spirit/God.
Beamer: As I progress in my journey spirtually, I am always amazed to discover the new powers which My higher power, God, has bestowed upon me. I just leave up to him / her to increase my 'arsenal' as he / she sees fit.
10.) Have you found ways of doing any spirtual healing when you feel yourself at a low ebb spiritually?
Av: When I remember my source, That which I AM, then I am comforted. The song of God's grace is the only True healing...
Beamer: I find working in the garden, working outside, being in connection with all that is helps these last few years with strengthing me spirtually. Use to be, seeking sanctuary in a House of the Lord helped me tremendously.
11.) What do you think about the Bible?
Av: Mostly fiction with a sprinkling of Truth. The Bible has it's place...just as grade school has it's place in the education of children. There comes a day when children must leave grade school, high school, and childhood...
Beamer: I feel somewhat the same. In my Journey spirtually, when it came time to rely on the Bible, I found it amazing how one brief sentence in describing Jesus or what he had done may cover actual months or years of his life. So much of the bible then is left up to interpetation by man. I find it almost laughable that Man can ever claim to know what Jesus felt or thought. Jesus life was soo amazing spirtually and the Bible is so lacking in describing what it was he truly experienced. It is too sad that Jesus never wrote a first hand account.
Posted by
9:37 AM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
4 / 10 / 07 ...
1.) Mr. Avavtar, You have a connection with the tiger in your years with the Yahoo Spirit Board. Is this your aninmal spirit guide?
Av: Guide, no. The tiger just describes some of my personality.
Beamer: I once had a chance to follow a spiritual path to try and find my Animal Spirit Guide. It was an amazing experience that was so strong. I discovered at the end of the Path a Large Brown Bear, perhaps a Grizzly, therefore That is supposed to be My animal Spirit Guide. I have no Idea what that means though.
2.) What do Think about when Crows are around you?
Av: Big black chickens...also, they remind me of theTrickster (that which rusts and decays our worldlytreasures).
Beamer: I have yet to really find anything positive about these birds, yet I am frequently having them appear in my dialy routine. Shooo!
3.) What do you think when Dragon flies are around you?
Av: Dragonflies? Ascension.
Beamer: I like to think of them in a positive nature, since these also I find quite often in my life. One day in the middle of summer about 5 years ago, there was literally a swarm of them flying about my front yard. There is no water nearby and there must have been a couple of hundred of them just circling. I found it to be such an odd sight. I since have learned that they like to stay near water and they only live 24 hours, in which time they have to breed. Why they are attracted to me I have no Idea. One day I found a quite large one inside our apartment. No idea of how it got there.
Posted by
6:02 PM
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Ok, the powers that be ...
apparently are having their little fun with Avatar. I can't get a response from him. I hope everything is fine with him and his wife. I sent a couple of Emails his way, but have yet to get a response.
I'm pretty sure he is just taking it easy and not checking it right now. He'll pop back up, very soon I hope.
Posted by
7:54 PM
Long ago, I removed the word HATE ...
From My vocabulary. I refuse to use the word. No other word in The english language embodies to me such evil, disgust, and hatred. It swims with negativity. I am not really even happy having the word in this post, but it is necessary, if only to show my intense displeasure at the word.
I will use phrases such as: I realy do not enjoy; I dislike; I find it distasteful; I reject; etc. I will use any terminology, other that that word.
I find it used so casually in daily conversations around me and almost cringe. It is bantered about so easily, by some. I wish they felt the way I do about the word.
Posted by
7:43 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
March 24th, 3007 take two ...
Posted by
9:11 AM
March 24th, 2007 ...
Since I be rather new at this blogging thing, I am trying to figure out the best way to proceed ...
So, I thinketh, therefore I am ...
Ok, See for what ever reason Avatar can't get his side to respond well with the Blogmiester, and he came up with me asking questions of him so he could answer and I could have something to have of his to post here so I won't look like a total dufus posting by myself since it is supposed to be he and I together on this blogger thingy, cause lord knows we don't want a repeat of B-eamer and Beam_er here, although who knows they just might show up any way. So, instead of me just rambling incoherently, I shall shut up for now and start the official blogging of the Spritual Realm.
Beam_er: "Wow, that's a good title."
B-eamer: "You like that, huh? I thought that up. Mr Avatar didn't. I did."
Beam_er: "Yeah, knowing him he probably would have put in something about lurking in the grass or crouching like a tiger."
B-eamer: "Now we don't want to upset him."
Beam_er: "That is true, since a male tiger can ponce about 30 feet and has crushing power of a whole bunch in his jaws."
B-eamer: "But he's not a tiger."
Beam_er: "You going to be the one to tell him."
B-eamer: "Nope. I ain't saying a word."
Beam_er: "Don't you think we ought to try and use good grammer when blogging official like so we can impress folks who stop and read us."
B-eamer: "Oh yeah, I guess ... so what, I can't say ain't no more? Well, I'll try, but I ain't so crazy about not saying ain't."
Beam_er: "Yeah, (sigh) that's working real good. Ok, lets proceed ."
B-eamer: "Thank You. Yes, let's carry on ..."
Posted by
8:40 AM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Then the way is cleared and the door opens ...
The powers that be are not as controlling as they would like to be. I laugh at them and so does Mr. Avatar Mundi.
What is going to take place here at this blog shall be One of the most Interesting things that have happened to me spiritually in quite a while, and that is saying quite a bit. I am most looking forward to this blog proceeding forward, for it will succeed.
Onward and most certainally upward, with God at the helm and myself as the ever faithful servant.
Praise be and may Gods love wash ever so gently on those that read of these passages.
Posted by
8:06 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
This is a favorite of mine ...
Do not take any moment for granted!
You just don't know what lays right around the corner. Time is so precious. Our gift of Life is so precious. Feed off every thing. Every bite you chew - relish it. Analiyze it. Every smell you take in - the same. You gain so much information every second you are alive. As you already know, you will never get that second back. It is gone, history, vanished.
Feel every touch, the cold, the hard, the soft, the roughness. Remember it mentally. Store it away like some precious jewel. Don't go through life with Blinders on.
Even relish pain. It is unique to you, your pain. Once it is gone, well you know. Learn from it. It is all for a reason - again.
Learn to live in the moment. Live for right now. You may not have the next second. There is no guarantee. Learning to do this made such a difference in the quality of my life and probably saved my life a couple of times.
Look, smell, listen, really listen. Listen HARD! It takes practice. Relish each and every nuance of every sound. Feel, enjoy life for it is sooo precious and unique. Savor, relish, and feel the enormous amount of each and every moment. Ahhh yes!
May Gods love bless and enrich your life and the live's of your loved ones.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Learning to stay in the moment ...
Ok, the way I learned how to get into and staying in the moment was rather easy for me to figure out, not that I had any choice. I worked as a cashier by myself mostly during the graveyard (10pm to 6 am) shift at an Arco self serve Convience store.
If you can imagine having a large enviroment that you are responsible for and have to operate a cash register while trying to make sure that your not getting ripped off (It wasn't in a very good neighborhood), giving correct change and all the other bull that you get to do with that job.
The trick was staying in focus, right then, at that precise moment, and not letting outside interferance goof you up, especially at the register. After about 6 months of that, I had it down pat. It wasn't easy to master, but once I did, it improved my sense of life going on around me.
Now the down side of this, is once you are "on", in the moment, it is hard to turn off, at least for me. Actually I have no intention of living life amy other way. One of the places which it is no fun is at the dentist office, trying not to focus on what is going on in your mouth with sharp implements, but still hearing and smelling everything intently. Not good.
Posted by
9:31 AM
Monday, March 5, 2007
A thought ...
Sometimes the obvious can be right before our nose, waiting, almost like a huge metal skillet, begging our attention, before smashing into our consciousness.
Posted by
7:47 PM
A little history ...
Mr. Avatar Mundi and I probably go back to November of 1999. Mr. Mundi wasn't aware of my lurking at the Yahoo message boards back then. I hung around this amazing collection of Spiritual give and take for a while before slowly entering into the fray. I knew what I had found was special, but I didn't want to overstep any boundries right at first. I'd wait a while before doing that.
Mr. Mundi and I have had quite the time together over the years. I consider him a friend and feel very fortunate that our relationship has only grown over the years. Although Yahell really screwed things up by revamping the Message boards over there and now it takes some deliberate and very careful treadding to do what use to be very easy (Posting). So I thought it may work out to join forces here and pass along some of what we have asertained over the years of travelling down a very long and winding spiritual path.
I am thinking you may just learn a thing or two here. I know I shall.
Posted by
7:16 PM