Tuesday, April 10, 2007

4 / 10 / 07 ...

1.) Mr. Avavtar, You have a connection with the tiger in your years with the Yahoo Spirit Board. Is this your aninmal spirit guide?

Av: Guide, no. The tiger just describes some of my personality.

Beamer: I once had a chance to follow a spiritual path to try and find my Animal Spirit Guide. It was an amazing experience that was so strong. I discovered at the end of the Path a Large Brown Bear, perhaps a Grizzly, therefore That is supposed to be My animal Spirit Guide. I have no Idea what that means though.

2.) What do Think about when Crows are around you?

Av: Big black chickens...also, they remind me of theTrickster (that which rusts and decays our worldlytreasures).

Beamer: I have yet to really find anything positive about these birds, yet I am frequently having them appear in my dialy routine. Shooo!

3.) What do you think when Dragon flies are around you?

Av: Dragonflies? Ascension.

Beamer: I like to think of them in a positive nature, since these also I find quite often in my life. One day in the middle of summer about 5 years ago, there was literally a swarm of them flying about my front yard. There is no water nearby and there must have been a couple of hundred of them just circling. I found it to be such an odd sight. I since have learned that they like to stay near water and they only live 24 hours, in which time they have to breed. Why they are attracted to me I have no Idea. One day I found a quite large one inside our apartment. No idea of how it got there.


avatarmundi said...

I and the Father are One...
I AM the Tiger spirit...
crystal friend...
I AM the guide, the seeker, the finder...
I AM home now, yet ever searching, ever finding...
I AM the sinner, the repentant, the forgiven...
I AM the wanderer of the wilderness, a crow living on carrion, a tiger stalking his prey, a shining treasure resurrected from the earth...

I and the Beamer are One
yet different facets of the same crystal...

Om Shanti Shanti


Beamer said...

Quite Nice ...

I think I have discovered a new side of you.

What does Om shanti Shanti mean?

It isn't like bomm shakla laka boom is it?



(PS: Sorry, I couldn't resist)

avatarmundi said...

OM...usually intoned as AUM, can be thought of as the sound of God or the first sound of creation...still used by Christians to end and sanctify a prayer..."Amen".

Shanti means Peace.

OM Shanti...

Divine Peace...
God's Peace...
Peace empowered by the very source of Creation.

namaste...the Christ within me salutes the Christ within you...
