Sunday, April 15, 2007

4 / 15 / 07

1.) Do you find having advanced in your spiritual Journey has Hepled you in ways in your not-spiritual life (regular) as well?

Av: It helps me accept and understand the short comings of others. Financially... not so much. I've been leery of whoring out my Spirituality for fame and fortune.

2.) Have you ever done any astral travel in your Spirtual Journey?

Av: Yup. I went to a kind of school there for a few years. Nowadays, I sometimes find myself standing in as a spiritual guide for folks during my so-called sleeptime.

Beamer: This is one area where I have stayed away from on purpose. I know that there have been times when I could have, but have sted fast refused to go there. I have this fear that when it came time to return to my body, it will have been taken over by another entity or spirit. I know it sounds crazy, but that is just the way I am about that. It sounds really neato, though.

2.) Do you have another term for spiritual Journey which you are more comfortable with?

Av: What are my choices?

Beamer: lol I don't know. It just sounded like, uhm, Never mind ...

3.) Are there many people in the real world that know of your spiritual journey, (co workers and such)?

Av: My rule is never to talk to anyone about such things unless they show signs of being ready and receptive.

Beamer: That was one reason why I found the Spiritual Board and now this such an important outlet. My spirtual travel was very singular for most of my life. Finding those in the real world I can communicate with about what has transpired in my spritual realm (Hey, that sounds like a one heck of a good title for a Blog) have been very few and far between.

4.) Do you find it easy to approach people in the real world about your spirtual Journey?"

Av: I approach no-one...ever. I say nothing unless someone comes to me and shows some sign of readiness...and even then I say little.

Beamer: Most of my attempts at approaching those in the real world about my spiritual journey have been uhm, not very good. I consider it their loss.

5.) With the real world people that you do know, do they ever come to you for advice on spirtual matters?

Av: Mostly only my wife, and even then I encourage her to find her own spiritual connection.

Beamer: My wife will only come to me when matters just get so crazy as to involve her in my spiritual matters. Luckily, I guess, that has been very rarely.

6.) Have you ever helped anyopne with a spirtual problem in the real world or on the Internet besides me?"

Av: If I have, it usually doesn't concern me much. I say or do what I feel needs to be said to whom ever is ready to listen.

Beamer: I guess here you and I differ quite a bit. I seek out those needing help on occasion and I am usually fortunate in being able to offer some kind of assistance, if not finding what I hope to be a total cure. There haven't been many on the Internet, and just a hand full in the real world, but I would like to think I made a difference. I think that is also another reason why I was put on this earthly plane.


avatarmundi said...

Dear, dear!

The only difference between dreaming and astral travel is 'awareness'. In sleep everybody leaves the physical vehicle...everybody.
In what we call 'astral projection' all we're really doing is learning to 'remember' and 'integrate' the so-called astral experience with the waking consciousness.

Getting taken over shouldn't be an option. 'Fear' is the 'only' vulnerability that could make such a thing happen.

fer Christ's sake! yer a flippin' child of God...why're you afraid of some half-dead, low-powered shadow that is totally dependant on your fear to give it any semblance of threat?

by the way...I recommend you try to read the "Course in Miracles" and "Conversations with God".
You can read many books that say the same stuff...but I think these two may be some of the best.

Om shakalaka boom


Beamer said...

Alright, fine ...

If I evr get bore with the spiritual stuff I'm dealing with now, I might (MIGHT) give it a try.

But If my body gets taken over by some half dead low powered shadow being, Uhm, Im gonna kick its half shadowed arse and get my body back ...

Ok, so some of this spiritual stuff is not within my realm of expertise ... Exxcuuuse Mmmeeee
