Saturday, March 24, 2007
March 24th, 3007 take two ...
Posted by
9:11 AM
March 24th, 2007 ...
Since I be rather new at this blogging thing, I am trying to figure out the best way to proceed ...
So, I thinketh, therefore I am ...
Ok, See for what ever reason Avatar can't get his side to respond well with the Blogmiester, and he came up with me asking questions of him so he could answer and I could have something to have of his to post here so I won't look like a total dufus posting by myself since it is supposed to be he and I together on this blogger thingy, cause lord knows we don't want a repeat of B-eamer and Beam_er here, although who knows they just might show up any way. So, instead of me just rambling incoherently, I shall shut up for now and start the official blogging of the Spritual Realm.
Beam_er: "Wow, that's a good title."
B-eamer: "You like that, huh? I thought that up. Mr Avatar didn't. I did."
Beam_er: "Yeah, knowing him he probably would have put in something about lurking in the grass or crouching like a tiger."
B-eamer: "Now we don't want to upset him."
Beam_er: "That is true, since a male tiger can ponce about 30 feet and has crushing power of a whole bunch in his jaws."
B-eamer: "But he's not a tiger."
Beam_er: "You going to be the one to tell him."
B-eamer: "Nope. I ain't saying a word."
Beam_er: "Don't you think we ought to try and use good grammer when blogging official like so we can impress folks who stop and read us."
B-eamer: "Oh yeah, I guess ... so what, I can't say ain't no more? Well, I'll try, but I ain't so crazy about not saying ain't."
Beam_er: "Yeah, (sigh) that's working real good. Ok, lets proceed ."
B-eamer: "Thank You. Yes, let's carry on ..."
Posted by
8:40 AM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Then the way is cleared and the door opens ...
The powers that be are not as controlling as they would like to be. I laugh at them and so does Mr. Avatar Mundi.
What is going to take place here at this blog shall be One of the most Interesting things that have happened to me spiritually in quite a while, and that is saying quite a bit. I am most looking forward to this blog proceeding forward, for it will succeed.
Onward and most certainally upward, with God at the helm and myself as the ever faithful servant.
Praise be and may Gods love wash ever so gently on those that read of these passages.
Posted by
8:06 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
This is a favorite of mine ...
Do not take any moment for granted!
You just don't know what lays right around the corner. Time is so precious. Our gift of Life is so precious. Feed off every thing. Every bite you chew - relish it. Analiyze it. Every smell you take in - the same. You gain so much information every second you are alive. As you already know, you will never get that second back. It is gone, history, vanished.
Feel every touch, the cold, the hard, the soft, the roughness. Remember it mentally. Store it away like some precious jewel. Don't go through life with Blinders on.
Even relish pain. It is unique to you, your pain. Once it is gone, well you know. Learn from it. It is all for a reason - again.
Learn to live in the moment. Live for right now. You may not have the next second. There is no guarantee. Learning to do this made such a difference in the quality of my life and probably saved my life a couple of times.
Look, smell, listen, really listen. Listen HARD! It takes practice. Relish each and every nuance of every sound. Feel, enjoy life for it is sooo precious and unique. Savor, relish, and feel the enormous amount of each and every moment. Ahhh yes!
May Gods love bless and enrich your life and the live's of your loved ones.
Posted by
9:46 AM
Learning to stay in the moment ...
Ok, the way I learned how to get into and staying in the moment was rather easy for me to figure out, not that I had any choice. I worked as a cashier by myself mostly during the graveyard (10pm to 6 am) shift at an Arco self serve Convience store.
If you can imagine having a large enviroment that you are responsible for and have to operate a cash register while trying to make sure that your not getting ripped off (It wasn't in a very good neighborhood), giving correct change and all the other bull that you get to do with that job.
The trick was staying in focus, right then, at that precise moment, and not letting outside interferance goof you up, especially at the register. After about 6 months of that, I had it down pat. It wasn't easy to master, but once I did, it improved my sense of life going on around me.
Now the down side of this, is once you are "on", in the moment, it is hard to turn off, at least for me. Actually I have no intention of living life amy other way. One of the places which it is no fun is at the dentist office, trying not to focus on what is going on in your mouth with sharp implements, but still hearing and smelling everything intently. Not good.
Posted by
9:31 AM
Monday, March 5, 2007
A thought ...
Sometimes the obvious can be right before our nose, waiting, almost like a huge metal skillet, begging our attention, before smashing into our consciousness.
Posted by
7:47 PM
A little history ...
Mr. Avatar Mundi and I probably go back to November of 1999. Mr. Mundi wasn't aware of my lurking at the Yahoo message boards back then. I hung around this amazing collection of Spiritual give and take for a while before slowly entering into the fray. I knew what I had found was special, but I didn't want to overstep any boundries right at first. I'd wait a while before doing that.
Mr. Mundi and I have had quite the time together over the years. I consider him a friend and feel very fortunate that our relationship has only grown over the years. Although Yahell really screwed things up by revamping the Message boards over there and now it takes some deliberate and very careful treadding to do what use to be very easy (Posting). So I thought it may work out to join forces here and pass along some of what we have asertained over the years of travelling down a very long and winding spiritual path.
I am thinking you may just learn a thing or two here. I know I shall.
Posted by
7:16 PM