Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My Daily Goal -

Essence of being
Devotion to a higher Power
Following the Plan
Laid out before one
Listening with every fiber

Performing Service
Allowing for one's special
Talents to be utilized
Following the Plan
Laid out before one
Receiving your Higher Power's

Allowing for the Truth
To be on every thought,
evry utterance
Following the Plan
Laid out before one
Not allowing for Negativity
To Dissuade one's actions

Turning towards His/ Her Love
Allowing for every deed to
Follow the Plan
Laid out before one
Accepting, Understanding,
Utilizing, Receiving,
Listening, Performing,
Allowing, Following,
Devoting, Being, Loving.

- Beamer

1 comment:

The cup is half full of something I don't like said...

Thanks for entering the 125*125's

I liked them