Monday, May 7, 2007
Some of What we face ...
Prayer Against The New Age Movement
I include this link just to show you some of the thinking that goes on in established religions and why it is such an uphill climb at times to reach those that really need help. If asked, these folks would claim forever and a day that they are right and we are wrong, that we would be working against their religion and do not listen to us.
The truth is ... just that, the truth. In Gods realm, there is no right or wrong way to honor him / her. It is just making that vital connection, in listening to that small voice, in listening to what your heart tells you. You don't need a religion to instruct you in how to reach God.
Religions, such as the one pointed at in the link above, I believe, use Fear as their over riding control mechanisim. They talk of mind control. Well, in my book, that is exactly what they use to control their flocks of followers.
There is no way I would tell you not to follow their religion. There is no way that I would tell you that they are wrong and not to listen to them. Yet, they have no problem in calling the New age movemnet all wrong and to not follow it. I don't claim to be a part of any New age movement, but some of what they want you to stay away from is definetly discussed here openly and freely.
Oh my God. I say again let your heart and your soul and spirit decide what is wrong or right. What alllows you to be free to seek out the truth from your Higher Power? Don't be fooled. As Av, said is it right to be in a crowd of followers as they fall off a cliff.
Posted by
5:54 PM
Saturday, May 5, 2007
What ?
Am I perfect?
Hardly, far from it. You would not believe how far from perfect I am. Just ask my kids. They know fully well my flaws and imperfections.
Am I blessed ?
Oh my god, I am sooo blessed. The saying my cup runneth over fits so well here.
Am I faithful ?
Beyond a shadow of a doubt. I long ago turned My life over to God and he/she has guided me in ways that I would have NEVER expected. My life has truly been an unbelievable experience. Looking back on it, I probably have lived about 5 or 6 lives, all in this life time. I don't want to sound like a braggart, or be preachy. For that is not what this is about. I just want to tell the truth and some how open up people to their God given right to feel what I feel, the love and joy and wonder Gods love can bring to you. All for the asking.
Why did I start this Blog?
Because I could I guess. I have done a fair amount of searching on the Internet for places such as this and they are pretty Rare indeed. It isn't easy advancing on one's spiritual Journey at times. At times it can be down right frustrating. But it is all for a reason. And if you have heard that before then you are probably tired of hearing it, but if you haven't, believe it. Use this place, please. Ask questions. There are no stupid questions. If I can't answer you, then Av may very well have the answer, and if we don't, then we seek else where ...
What makes me such a spiritual leader, trainer, teacher, educator, what ever?
I have never claimed to be nor will I ever claim to be any of those titles. I have gifts and abilities that have been given to me by my higher power which I call God. That's it. One of these abilities is the fact that I remember what the struggle was like, what it is like to face an absolute mountain in your next hurdle on your spiritual journey, to have to some how over come what ever adversity is in your way, stopping you from preceding. I feel I communicate well in the English Language. I know I communicate well with my God. There fore, I post. and thus this Blog.
May Gods love wash over you in ever so gentle waves.
Posted by
7:41 AM
Let the water flow ...
""We are not weak, sinful, shameful human creatures who have to somehow earn the right to become Spiritual.We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience."
"I had to start trying to find a concept of a Higher Power who could Love me even though I was an imperfect human. If my Creator is judging me then who am I not to judge myself? On the other hand if the Goddess Loves me unconditionally then who am I not to Love myself? And if the God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Universal Force Truly Loves me then everything has to be happening for reasons that are ultimately Loving."
A quote from Mystical Metaphysical Spirituality - a Loving belief system
Ok, obviously I believe the same thing in the opening statement. When I first heard that saying, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, I thought, yeah right, what a bunch of Hooey. That was many many miles ago in my spiritual journey. We are ALL, every last human being on the face of the Earth, Spiritual, loving creatures who are having a human experience. It is our God given right to be able to experience all the love and Joy that God or your higher power has to offer you.
If you haven't started on your spiritual Journey, Why Not?
I would really like to know what you have to lose. Of course if Satan is your thing and worshiping the dark side gives you a kick, then so be it. Its really really your loss, big time. I personally do everything I can to make your type non existent. Not that I go around killing human beings that are evil, just the forces within that may control them. I know, pretty crazy talk.
But you are going to have to understand something about me - I don't LIE. I have a much higher power to answer to and I have to face Him/ her and deal with the results of my behavior.
For those that are shown a great deal, much is expected of them.
And I have been shown oh so much.
Posted by
7:18 AM
Friday, May 4, 2007
And the water
she seems to be a tricklin' ...
Ok, so this is starting off kinda slow. I have been busy with life and Av, uhm, I don't know what is happening there. I know I should be posting something profound here, but I am just getting off of work and my profundity is a bit dry right now.
So, lets just say stay cool, brush your teeth, put on clean underwear and Don't drive crazy. Pay your taxes and try not to shoot any one.
Allright, so if we rehash the last three posts we have a naked king running around and me totally lacking in profundity and what could be false advertising. If you people would ask a question or two (I know your out there) it would help things along right about now.
This is going great.
Ain't too spiritual.
But you can't knock a home run every time.
Beamer Cleaver
Posted by
7:59 PM
Thursday, May 3, 2007
So, the dam has finally broken ...
and this is going to devolop in all new ways?
I am most curious to see what transpires now that we are finally able to post side by side so to speak, or actually top to bottom.
Its not like we haven't done this sort of thing before, like for years. Just we had others chiming in and the posting was a lot more immediate.
Av, I am hoping though that you find the dressing room. Its behind the door to the right. At least throw on a robe, please.
I was most curious about this line: "Otherwise, I'm gone...unless it seems I'm needed for some job..."
You are gone, uhm, where? And the job might be?
Posted by
4:16 PM
Labels: a New Day
This is a test...
...testing...testing...the emperor has no clothes...
heresy for the loyal followers...the orthodoxy...the true believers...the party faithful...
many are called, but few are chosen...or is it that few choose to leave the pack and dare to follow the inner guide... there safety in one tumbles over a cliff with the rest of the herd?
just a little rambling...
Posted by
8:00 AM